Professional Piano Tuning by Brian James

‘You can trust me to provide expert piano tuning services, and to return your piano to its best performance level. Don’t hesitate to contact me for free professional advice. I also specialise in Piano Restoration and Removal.’

Piano Tuning, Repair, Removals and Restoration - Christchurch to Dunedin

There’s a lot involved in making sure your piano delivers a great sound. A professional piano tuner can help you with a range of technical services designed to keep your piano giving of its best.

Contact Brian if you have any questions or would like a free quote for any of the piano services shown here.

There are also some things you can do to take care of your piano such as keeping it clean, keeping it in a location safe from water and excessive humidity or dryness.

For some common questions our customers have about piano maintenance check our piano servicing FAQ page.

I am restoring one of the best upright pianos I have ever played. Such a great example of a European Antique piano. At approximately 140 years old it will still outlast our grandchildren.

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